When I Called, You Did Not Answer

When I Called, You Did Not Answer

Today’s message was written by Guest Pastor, Chaplin Bob Griffiths.

“When I Called, You Did Not Answer,” so God reminds us in Isaiah. It’s challenging to hear and heed God’s call in today’s world – not just the big stuff, such as career or marriage, but the little stuff: our behavior with others, discerning sacredness in the ordinary (and there’s a lot of it), seeing Christ in those we dislike, and in general acting in accordance with God’s will. It’s a tall order! So, how do we do it? In a world distracted by 24-hour electronic connectedness and our non-stop reacting to it, how does God (or God’s messengers) have a chance to get through? The answer is to take responsibility for our end of God’s never-failing covenant and be proactive about our spiritual practice. 

Begin by knowing that God is always with us. That even when the light’s not on, the plug is always in the wall. That we’re the ones who need to turn off the distractions and turn on the God switch. Carve out some time for prayer, and follow it with a time of quiet. Because God rarely shouts: God’s “still, small voice” whispers, softly, in our hearts. 

Saint Benedict understood that when he wrote “listen, my little brothers, with the ear of the heart.” How about ten minutes a day? It’s a start – and it just might change your life. 

Let us pray: Patient and loving God, your goodness never fails. Give us, we pray, the willingness to put You before our earthly distractions and concerns. Help us to know in our hearts the things you want us to do and grant us the grace and power faithfully to accomplish them. Amen. 

Daily Message Author: Bob Griffiths

Bob is the former Chaplain at the Pines of Sarasota, southwest Florida’s oldest and largest not-for-profit senior care facility. Prior to joining the staff in 2010, Bob worked in hospice chaplaincy for seven years. He is the past Spiritual Life Director at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota and is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Episcopal Benedictine religious order.
