No Way!

No Way!

Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Eric Wogen.

My daily, morning walks regularly produce some memorable moments and fascinating lessons on life. Permit me to share one.

While traveling my predictable route a while back, my aging eyes were attracted to something I had not previously noticed. It was a barely visible, ever so tiny little green sprout, struggling to gain root in a downright inhospitable environment, a wall, a wall constructed from landscaping bricks. That two-foot-high wall separated a neighbor’s yard from the pavement.

My first reaction to this one-sided battle was, NO WAY, no way would that potential plant stand a chance. Conditions for growth appeared less than minimal. No soil was to be seen. The concrete bricks, separated by slim cracks, challenged much of anything to grow there. My walk continued.

As the days became weeks, I was amazed to see that little green spot begin to increase in size. Day by day, I watched new life take root and when dainty, white blossoms eventually made their debut, it became readily apparent that an impatiens plant had been given birth. Before long, that once struggling youngster matured into a rather sizable, truly impressive, flower-laden, fully developed, thriving plant.

A Dial Hope meditation illustration had been born and you are reading or hearing it this very day. While you can draw your own conclusions about this recollection, here is what it says to me:

  1. God has packed unbelievable potential into all that lives.
  2. Be patient and allow time for desired outcomes to develop.
  3. Never give up on what can be.
  4. Make God’s gift of HOPE your constant companion.

And, the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, remember the wonder of that determined, tenacious impatiens plant that made a brick wall its home.

Let us pray: Lord God, life can be tough. When promising possibilities seem to be improbable and hope appears to be on vacation, remind us that you are a God of new beginnings. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Eric Wogen

Pastor Eric Wogen was born in Chicago, Illinois, and claims mid-western roots, even though he lived in many different places while growing up due to his father’s employment with the Pennsylvania Railroad. A graduate of Radnor High School in suburban Philadelphia, he received an AB in History from Gettysburg College and a MDiv degree from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. His first call was to a wonderfully affirming congregation in Sellersville, PA, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ridge Valley, where he joyfully served until being called as Assistant to the Bishop of the Southeastern Synod (LCA). He returned to parish ministry in 1979 when he was called to serve St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Hanover, PA. After more than twenty years at St. Matthew, he was called by St. Armand’s Key Lutheran Church in Sarasota, Florida to be its pastor and served there until his retirement in 2008. Full Bio
