Monday Faith As a Journey (September 2017)

Monday Faith As a Journey (September 2017)

Today’s message was written by guest pastor, Rev. Hunter Camp.

Human beings are often who they hope to become—and we often embody the qualities of the journey that we are on. I suppose that is why, to some degree, almost every story surrounding Jesus is a story of movement—a story of Jesus embodying the qualities of his journey, a journey of sacrifice that eventually leads to cross and resurrection. Jesus was on a journey. As are you. As am I.

All of this is part of the journey. Do not judge yourself too harshly. We go through cycles as we voyage through life, year in and year out. Myself, I have been through cycles of deep faith and very little faith. I have been through cycles of joy and depression, strength and weakness.

On this journey of faith, we trust in God when our faith is big and trust when our faith is small. We trust that our very willingness to trust is pleasing to God. Though at times we may not know where we are going, we trust that God is with us. We need not fear because God encompasses every step of our journey. 

Let us pray: God of eternal hope, thank you for being with us every step of the journey. Please increase our faith and hope. Help us to always trust in you. For the sake of Christ our Lord, your hope made flesh. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Hunter Camp

Hunter serves as Pastor and Head of Staff at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, Fl. He is a Florida native and is a graduate of Flager College and Columbia Theological Seminary. Full Bio
