Who’s Our Neighbor?

Who’s Our Neighbor?

Today’s message was written by Guest Pastor, Chaplin Bob Griffiths.

It is easy to be the object of love. But who is it I’m supposed to love? The answer is that we don’t set the definitions: Jesus does. “Love thy neighbor.” And Jesus defines a neighbor as anyone we meet. Anyone? How many of those awful people around me do I have to put up with and love? Someone from a political party I don’t like? Homeless? Immigrant? Ex-con? A Samaritan lying on the ground? Jesus says that we are to love them regardless of our perception of their worthiness. Love is not conditional on what I think of the other person, but on the worthiness of our God who commands it and who gives it so freely.

You see, correct theology does not grant us entrance to the kingdom of God. Jesus says I don’t care if you know all the right answers. I care about what you do with those answers. Eternal life is not about what you know: it is about how you act and who you love. If you want the love of God, you don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to memorize and follow thousands of rules and regulations. You just need to love God with your whole being. And one way to do that is to love His people. We are His people, and so are “them.” You treat them well. You share His love with them. It is about living your life with the love of Jesus flowing from your heart. It’s that simple … and that difficult.  

Let us pray: Merciful God, you love us beyond our comprehension. Help us to manifest that love to those around us, understanding that they, like we, are your children. Especially in this world riven by divisions, give us the courage to move beyond hate and prejudice into right action, so that we can at least strive to love as you love us. All this we ask in the name of Your son who taught us to love our neighbors as He loves us. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Bob Griffiths

Bob is the former Chaplain at the Pines of Sarasota, southwest Florida’s oldest and largest not-for-profit senior care facility. Prior to joining the staff in 2010, Bob worked in hospice chaplaincy for seven years. He is the past Spiritual Life Director at St. Boniface Episcopal Church, Sarasota and is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Episcopal Benedictine religious order.
