What God is Like

What God is Like

Today’s message was written by Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope.

Friend of Dial Hope, Christmas clears up our confusion about God. Christmas shows us what God is like. A seven-year-old boy had been playing outside. His mother called him in for dinner. The little boy ran in, jumped into his chair, and grabbed his fork, ready to eat. “Wait Tommy,” said his mom, “you have germs on your hands. Go wash up before we eat.” Tommy scrambled down, ran and washed his hands, came back, climbed up into his chair, grabbed his fork, and started to eat. Again his mother stopped him. “Wait, Tommy,” she said, “we must say the blessing before we eat. We want to thank God for our food.” Little Tommy put down his fork, shook his head, and muttered wearily, “Germs and God, Germs, and God. That’s all I ever hear around here, and I ain’t seen neither one of them!”

We can sympathize with Tommy’s predicament. Yet Christmas gives God a face. Christmas shows us who God is and what God is like. This is the “good news,” of Christmas. Jesus shows what God is like and the word is “Love.” God is not an angry judge who must be appeased. God is not a power monger, demanding his “pound of flesh.” God is like a loving parent, who cares and understands, and is concerned about the welfare of all his children. That’s the good news of Christmas, and that’s what keeps us going.

Let us pray: Loving God, may these days of Advent keep us focused on whose birthday we celebrate at Christmastime. In everything we do, may we acknowledge the reason for the season, our Savior Jesus Christ. In his name, we pray. Amen. 

Daily Message Author: Roger Kunkel

(November 24, 1934 – June 29, 2011) Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel was a native of Parsons, Kansas, graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, where he received an award for “Outstanding Student and Citizen”. After graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, and went on to serve as Senior Pastor in Duluth, Minnesota, and Riverside, Illinois. He served as Chaplain of Heritage Park Rehab Center in Bradenton, Florida, after retiring from his pastorate at First Presbyterian Church of Sarasota in 1998. Full Bio
