

Pastor Leonard Sweet once wrote about a typical Little League coach giving instructions to the Little Leaguer player. If you have ever played you may remember that voice:

Elbows down. 
Bat back to your ear. 
Keep your eye on the ball. 

Sweet makes the following observations: 

“Some voices stay with us forever. What voices have spoken into your life? Can you still hear them?

“There are voices of encouragement that urge us to keep trying, keep working, keep doing what we know is right.

“There are also those voices we hear that accuse us of not being good enough, of being a failure, of not deserving anything better than what we’re getting.

“The voices we listen to in our heart and soul can strengthen us or shatter us, push us forward or pull us down. The power of the Voice we ultimately answer to can determine the destiny and direction of our life.”

I hope that you have some positive voices in your life. And, I hope you are a positive voice for others. But most importantly, I hope that you carve out time to listen to the Voice of God’s Spirit – through prayer and scripture and worship. God’s guidance and encouragement are invaluable. But, we have to make time and space to listen.

Let us pray: Loving God, we know that we need you at the heart and center of our lives. We need your guidance and direction and love. Give us the discipline and grace we need to listen, and the heart to follow. Thank you for all the voices of love and encouragement in our lives – coaches, pastors, teachers, parents, friends… past and present. May our voices too give grace to all those who hear. Amen

Daily Message Author: Joe Albright

Joe began his ministry in Sarasota, Florida as an associate pastor, and it was in this capacity that he worked alongside the Reverend Dr. Roger Kunkel. Roger was a colleague who became a mentor and treasured friend. From Sarasota, Joe was called to Jacksonville, Florida where he served as the Head of Staff at Hodges Boulevard Presbyterian Church. Currently, Joe and his family worship and serve at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Switzerland, Florida. Full Bio
