This Too Shall Pass

This Too Shall Pass

Today’s Message was written by my friend Rev. Andy Odom.

One of the things that is true about life is that life is always changing. If it’s not changing, then it’s not alive. For some people, this is one of the exciting aspects of life, the fact that life is always changing. For others, well… not so much. After all, if life is always changing, it means that there are very few things you can count on to remain the same. No matter how much you think so, you never quite know what the day might bring.

There’s an old phrase that I keep in my pocket, which most of you have probably already heard. It’s the phrase that says, “This too shall pass.” It helps me remember that if I’m going through a difficult time, it won’t last forever. It also helps me remember that, when things are going well, that too doesn’t always last. Life is full of change. Ups and downs, twists and turns.

I think of all the ordeals that the disciples went through during their ministry with Jesus. The hardships they faced. The celebrations they had. The glorious days along with the days when they felt completely defeated. What Jesus tried to teach them throughout it all, was to remain faithful, trusting in the constancy of God.

And that’s my word to you today. No matter where you are in life, whether you’ve just experienced something really great or are going through a very difficult time. Learn from the experiences you encounter. Remain true to yourself. Stay faithful to who you are. And trust in the constancy of God, the one who in Jesus Christ, remains steadfast in his love for us, something that will never change.

Please pray with me: God of hope, throughout all the changes in life, you are faithful. Thank you. Help us ever to trust in you. Amen. 

Daily Message Author: Andy Odom

The Rev. Andrew S. Odom grew up in Dallas, Texas and currently serves as senior pastor of Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church, a large and vibrant congregation in Richardson. He and his wife Denise, who is also a pastor, have two girls, Marguerite and Mackenzie. He holds degrees in economics and history from the University of Texas and completed his Master of Divinity degree at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Full Bio
