george manser1

September 2014 Newsletter

Thanks to God for the Life of George Manser

george manser1George Manser

The recent passing of George Manser is a deep loss to all who knew him…and even to many who didn’t.  His life is, indeed, one to celebrate.  Beyond his many career accomplishments, George was known for his strong faith, positive outlook, humility, philanthropy, and always looking for additional ways to help –

including with DIAL HOPE where he served as a quiet, reserved, invaluable leader.

The DIAL HOPE telephone ministry originated in 2000 thanks to the vision and work of the late, beloved Rev. Roger Kunkel.  As Roger’s health declined in later years, George envisioned the need to perpetuate DIAL HOPE.  George’s initiative, work as chair of the DIAL HOPE board, and financial support enabled DIAL HOPE to formalize as a non-profit organization and to reach and help even more people through telephone, email, website and other internet outlets…

offering daily non-denominational messages of hope, faith, and love to people around the world.

Even as we mourn your passing, George, we gratefully cerebrate your remarkable life and work.  REST IN PEACE.

Reaching Out To Our Military

Through the fine efforts of our Dial Hope Trustee Chuck Holmes, we connected with AMVETS in June of this year.  AMVETS (American Veterans), an organization which enhances and safeguards the entitlements for all American Veterans who have served honorably, seeks to improve the quality of life for the veterans, their families, and the communities in which they reside through leadership advocacy and services.

In response to their request, Dial Hope provided AMVETS with 1200 bookmarks to be shared with their clients during the month of August.  We were pleased to participate in their efforts to be supportive to the men and women who have courageously served in our Armed Forces



Save The Date

Our annual Dial Hope Appreciation Event will be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at The Field Club in Sarasota, Florida between 5 and 7 p.m. 

This year we will be honoring the original Foundation Board of Trustees Officers:  Crome Dollase, Chuck Fulton, Roger Kunkel (deceased), George Manser (deceased), and Tom Melly.

We hope you will plan to join us.

Dial Hope Testimonial

During the last few years, I have had to deal with some major changes in my life.  First was the loss of my husband after 58 years of marriage.  Shortly after that, my son committed suicide.  Losing two people I loved dearly was devastating.  The sleepless nights that followed were exceedingly difficult for me.  That’s when I turned to Dial Hope.  Being able to reach out in the middle of the night and hear words of encouragement helped so much to ease my pain.  

But life is full of surprises, and just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was very difficult not being self-absorbed and enveloped in negative thoughts.  Through the strength of my faith, my family, and my friends, I faced my medical challenges head on.  It was during my radiation sessions when I began to share some of the Dial Hope messages with others.  It was so rewarding to share words of comfort with others in need.

Dial Hope has proven to be of tremendous help to me during the last few years, and I am so glad it is available to me and to others as a free resource.  Thank you for this very special ministry.       ~ A. F.


On-Line Donations

It is now possible when accessing our Dial Hope website at to make an on-line donation.  Click on “donations” found on the left side of the menu of the webpage.  The Donation Page opens.  Click on “Donate Now” found in the upper right corner of the page.  The Donation Form appears.  Complete the form beginning with:  the amount, and is this to be a recurring gift?  “Comments and Instructions” lets you donate in memory of or in honor of someone.
