Outshining the Darkness

Outshining the Darkness

Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope.

In John 1:5 we read, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not over it.”

Friend of Dial Hope, many of you are groping in darkness right now. Separation and divorce come, but they always seem to happen to someone else, never to us. We have desperate times with our children (including adult children) that seem to last for weeks or months or years. Some of you are grieving over the death of a family member and you find it especially difficult at this time of year. And life is plunged into darkness. The good news of the gospel is that the light of Jesus outshines all darkness. So, we need to get in touch with the Light.

I love the story of a small church in a rural area that met for worship in a basement, where the room allowed for little natural light. It was often dark and murky when the people gathered. The pastor of this little congregation decided it would be nice to buy a chandelier for the room. He announced his hope to the congregation and called a special meeting for a vote. When the congregation came together, he told them he desired their vote on whether to spend money for a new chandelier for the worship space and asked if there was any discussion on the matter. One old guy stood up and said, “Yes indeed! I want to discuss it. I am against this purchase for three reasons. First, no one knows how to spell the thing; so we couldn’t possibly order it. Second, even if we did get one, no one knows how to play it. And last, what we really need around here is more light!”

Darkness comes. It creeps into life. But the Light of Jesus Christ outshines the darkness.

Let us pray: O God of all precious things, who hears our pain even when tears block our words, create in us a heart of laughter and hope. May your Spirit comfort those who are having a tough time right now. Surprise us with your grace and light in unexpected places. Through Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Roger Kunkel

(November 24, 1934 – June 29, 2011) Rev. Dr. Roger Kunkel was a native of Parsons, Kansas, graduated from Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, where he received an award for “Outstanding Student and Citizen”. After graduating from Princeton Theological Seminary, he earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, and went on to serve as Senior Pastor in Duluth, Minnesota, and Riverside, Illinois. He served as Chaplain of Heritage Park Rehab Center in Bradenton, Florida, after retiring from his pastorate at First Presbyterian Church of Sarasota in 1998. Full Bio
