Monday Gifts of the Spirit

Monday Gifts of the Spirit

Today’s message was written by guest pastor, Rev. Hunter Camp.

You can almost always tell when the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon someone. In St. Paul’s letters to the Galatians, we read that the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. A life steeped in God’s Holy Spirit will demonstrate some or all these qualities. In many cases, the more of these qualities you see in a person, the more Spirit.

In addition to these qualities and gifts of God, the Spirit gives us hope, even as it pushes us to stand up for Jesus-values, which are often contrary to the values of our culture. In a society that thrives on division, the Spirit leads us to offer hope and to embody the fruits of the Spirit. 

May God use you, today, to be a hope-bearer, even as God’s Spirit gives you hope.

Let us pray: Holy Spirit, may you visit us with your presence that we might embody Jesus-values, and may You give us hope, that we might share hope with others. Amen.

Daily Message Author: Hunter Camp

Hunter serves as Pastor and Head of Staff at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Augustine, Fl. He is a Florida native and is a graduate of Flager College and Columbia Theological Seminary. Full Bio
