“Let the Little Children Come”

“Let the Little Children Come”

Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Amy Camp.


Laughter, Silliness, Play, Delight, Joy- These are just a few words to describe my feelings as I hear preschoolers playing every day at church.

Jesus says (in Matt 19:14) “Let the little children come to me and do not stop them for to such as these belongs the kingdom of God.”

Not long ago, a 5 yr old came up to me after chapel saying, “Pastor Amy, I’m going to sing you a song.” Before I could accept or decline, she had already started singing. Not once but twice I politely tried to stop her while she was singing her song. You see, she needed to go back to her classroom with her classmates. And it was time for me to get back to work. And then-boom-I got it.

Here it is… the kingdom of God- right here, right now, right in front of me…and I almost missed it! God spoke to me through that little girl- through her words, and her sweet smile, and her beautiful innocent eyes. God was reaching out to me with love, and I almost did not receive the gift.

Jesus valued children. They know how to be fully present in each moment. They embody wonder and delight and joy. They trust.

Please pray with me: Dear God, thank you for little children and the love, light, and joy that they bring to the world. Make us more like them. Help us to trust as they trust. Help us to believe that you will take care of us – no matter what happens, and you have good things planned for us – a hope and a future! Amen.

Daily Message Author: Amy Camp

Rev. Amy Lehr Camp is Parish Associate at Memorial Presbyterian Church, St. Augustine FL. She has a M.Div. and a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. She has served in pastoral ministry in churches in Virginia and Florida since 2001. Amy enjoys reading, long walks and jogs on the beach.
