

Today’s message was written by my friend, Rev. Roger Kunkel, founder of Dial Hope.

“in the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1). Everything – understanding, friendship, communication with other people and with God – it all begins with a word. We do not live by bread alone. We live by words. And yet the truth is, sometimes our words do get us into trouble. Many of us are prone to that common malady called, “foot-in-mouth disease”. 

The Prayer of the Realist begins with the words, “Lord, you know that I am growing older.” It goes on to plead with God to grant deliverance… from talking too much, from stating strong opinions on every subject, from the recitation of endless detail, from complaining constantly about recurring aches and pains, from thinking that we are always right, from nosiness and bossiness and self-righteousness. The prayer then expresses the tongue-in-cheek notion that it is such a shame to not use all this incredible store of wisdom and experience the author has accumulated over the years. The prayer concluded with this sentence, “But you know, O Lord, that when the end comes, I do want to have a few friends left. Amen.”

The point is clear. Sometimes we say the wrong things. Sometimes our words hurt other people. But, thankfully, there is another side to that coin; words can help and heal. Words can soothe restore and redeem. If you and I were to make a list of the most beautiful words in the world, there would be at the top of the list: you are loved, you are forgiven, and you are needed. Don’t ever forget these powerful, healing words.

Let us pray: O God of the wilderness, we stumble, mumble and bumble like victims of a desert sandstorm. We lose sight of your steadfast love in the cold winds of doubt. We fail to trust your love as try to control our lives. We disregard the needs of others as we seek to meet our own. Forgive our mistakes and set us again on the road that leads through death into the newness of life. For we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

