Entries by Joe Albright

In the Wilderness

Harry Emerson Fosdick was a great preacher. Later in his career, he was called to pastor Riverside Church in New York City. The stress of pastoring this large church which was backed by the Rockefeller family and fortune, eventually caused Fosdick to have a nervous breakdown. Fosdick once wrote, ”It was the most terrifying wilderness […]

New Expectations

My neighbor is a shark tooth collecting enthusiast. He loves combing the beach scouting out these small treasures, and he’s found some big ones, really nice. We were comparing notes the other day and I shared with him that I only ever find small to medium shark teeth, nothing really significant. He said, “That’s strange. […]

Choose to Be Grateful

Author Melody Beattie once wrote, “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more… It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”  All […]

Help Us, Lord

Today’s message was written by my friend, Guest Pastor, Rev. E. Stanley Ott. My wife left the house to run an errand in the car and a minute later I saw she was calling me. Just down the street, she had seen a large box turtle walking in the middle of the road. She called […]


Today’s message was written by my friend, Guest Pastor, Rev. E. Stanley Ott. Recently I put a glass under an ice dispenser, the kind you find in refrigerator doors or where you get your soft drinks at a place like McDonalds. To my surprise ice began to spray everywhere. It went on the floor and […]

God Always Cares

Today’s message was written by my friend, Guest Pastor, Rev. E. Stanley Ott. When our son was only a two-year-old, we visited a home where the living room and the kitchen were on the same level. You could walk to the kitchen through the dining room or you could walk through the hallway. However, my […]

The Journey Continues

Over the past couple of months, I have reflected much on the concept of journeys. And I am about to undertake a significant journey now in my own life. My church, Geneva Presbyterian received a grant from the Eli Lilly Foundation that will allow me to take a three-month sabbatical.   In addition to vocational and […]

I Know the Plans I Have for You…

Bethany Hamilton is a professional surfer who happened to have her arm bitten off by a large Tiger Shark when she was thirteen years old. Now, in her early twenties, Bethany not only continues to surf, she still competes at the very top level of the sport. She is such an inspiration that a Hollywood […]


I remember a few years ago, one of my friends had a daughter who had just started dating. We were joking around about it. He said, “When she comes home from that first date, I’m going be sitting on the front porch cleaning my shotgun.” I said, “You don’t even have a shotgun.” He said, […]

A Greater Power

Billy Strayhorn tells about a nature show he once saw about black bears. There was a particular cub that had been orphaned and then later adopted by a new father bear. At some point, the two bears became separated and the cub began to cry. The little guy wonder about looking all around for his […]