Entries by Joe Albright

Loving One Another

There’s a story about a young dating couple who went camping together one cold fall night. When they went to bed that night, she was sleeping on a cot and he was on the floor in a sleeping bag. Just after they turn out the lantern, the girlfriend leans over and says, “Honey, it sure […]


Today I would like to say a special word of thanks to those of you who have supported the Dial Hope Foundation with a financial donation. Your gifts make this ministry possible! A few years ago, I ran into my friend Ernestine at a continuing education event outside of Atlanta. Ernestine was the Dean of […]

We All Need a Little Light

A little boy named John entered his first science fair in second grade. Because his Mom has a green thumb, they decided to experiment with the growth of plants. He took two small green plants and placed one on a sunny windowsill and the other in a cardboard box. After a couple of weeks, John […]

Psalm 23

The 23rd Psalm has been a beloved Psalm for people of faith for thousands of years. It has been recited at funerals and in foxholes. It has been said often across the world and across history by people when they feel alone or scared or sad. It is perfect for those moments when we need […]

Looking Towards a New Future

There is a funny story about a man who always brought donuts to work. Every day, he stopped at the store to pick up a dozen donuts. Every day was the same. Every day he would eat one or two on the way in and shared the rest with his co-workers. One day, after the […]

Being Made Whole

In one of the Gospel stories, Jesus heals ten lepers; but only one returns to give thanks. It’s interesting, Jesus tells the man who turns back, “Your faith has saved you.” Another translation reads, “Your faith has made you whole.” So, ten lepers were made clean, but one of them received something more. A friend […]

Setting Ourselves Free

Sometime back in West Memphis, Arkansas, three young men were charged with murder. When they made it to court, the father of one of the victims suddenly rushed at the young men screaming, “I’ll chase you all the way to hell.” One writer observed, “I understand the father’s fierce anger, but there is something almost […]

The Light Shines in the Darkness…

I recently read about a missionary named Jeffery Ginn and his family who were serving in Cali, Colombia. One morning Jeffrey entered his office to find that a map of the world that he had taped to the wall had fallen during the night. A corner of the map had remained taped to the wall […]

The Job of Building Bridges

There is a story about two unmarried sisters who had such a bitter fight that they stopped speaking to each other. Unable or unwilling to leave their small home, they continued to use the same rooms and sleep in the same bedroom. A chalk line divided the sleeping area into two halves. In fact, the […]

Life Is a Gift

As a pastor I have the privilege of being with people at the end of their lives. This is always a reminder to me that life is short and that our time here is just a breath. Sometimes near the end of life, people will want to talk about what’s been most important in their […]