Entries by Joe Albright

Seeing through a Better Lens

Yesterday I reflected on one of the major themes of ancient Celtic Wisdom – that Christ is present deep within everything that has being. I mentioned that the poet Kenneth White calls this light that is within all things, “The Diamond Country.” And he raises the question: can you see it?  Time apart often allows us to […]

The Diamond Country

As a part of my sabbatical, I spent some time studying ancient Celtic Christianity. I learned that one of the major themes is that Christ is present deep within everything that has being. The poet Kenneth White calls this light that is within all things, “The Diamond Country.” And he raises the question: can you see it?  […]

Faith Is…

Let me say how grateful we are to those who make gifts that enable this ministry to touch so many. Your generous support is a real God-send.  The book of Hebrews reminds us that “… faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” I read something recently by J […]

Not Safe… But Good

Some time ago, I was listening to a Christian radio station on my way down to Sarasota. The announcer continually promoted the station by saying, “Safe for the whole family!” And I get it. There are so many radio stations where the announcers might blurt out something very inappropriate for little ears. However, the word […]

The Kingdom of God at Your Table

I remember the evening, when our Parish Associate, Pastor Bob Smith had us sing Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God during a Wednesday night Bible Study. We had just finished dinner, and I remember looking around the fellowship hall at those seated around the tables, and I wondered, Is this what the Kingdom of […]

Jesus Takes whatever We Bring

The writer, Lauren Winner, relates that in the middle ages, a female mystic named Mechthild wrote about a vision she had. In the vision, Jesus asks her to place in his left hand all her “pains and adversities” so they may be sweetened by union with him – just as a crumb of bread dipped […]


When reading the New Testament, it strikes me that much of Jesus’ ministry happens around sharing meals. Think about the feeding of the 5,000, and later the feeding of the 4,000, then dinner with Zacheus and with other tax collectors and sinners. He tells parables about banquets. And of course, there is the last supper. […]

That We Would Be One

Yesterday was world communion Sunday. This is a day in which Christians across the globe celebrate our unity in Christ. Several years ago, a church I was serving had a joint service with a Korean new church development. If you have ever been to a worship service like that, then you know the potential for […]

Wells of Guidance, Healing, Refreshment

There’s an old apocryphal story about a photographer assigned by a national magazine to take pictures of a forest fire. The assignment editor told him a small plane would be waiting at the airport to fly him over the fire. The photographer arrived at the airstrip just an hour before sundown. Sure enough, a small […]

Do Not Fear

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm, a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, “Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?’ The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. “I can’t dear,” she said, “I […]